Data Colors

In xViz Gantt Chart we have the flexibility to change the colour for the below elements:

Row Background Color

We can change the background color of the rows of the entire grid as per the required aesthetics.

The configurable options are:

  • Row Color – Apply the colour to the rows.

  • Alternate Row Color - Apply the colour to the alternating rows.

  • Row Hover Color- Apply the colour only to hover rows.

Bar Border Color

We can change the color of the borders of both the parent and child bars as needed.

The configurable options are:

  • Parent Border Color- Apply colour to the border of the Parent bar.

  • Child Border Color- Apply colour to the border of the Child bar.

If the “Hide Border” toggle is turned on, this hides the border color of the Parent and the Child bar.

Bar Selection Color

Selecting the “Selection” option from the dropdown list “Interaction State” and turning on the Enable Selected Color will display the color of the bar selected (clicked) in the report.

Set the colour as per your needs:

Bar Fill Color

We can change the color of the Parent bar or the Child bar or both using the diverse options from “Color By.”

The options are:

  1. All:

When we select the option “All,” we can set the color for all Parent bars and all Child bars. These are the available options:

  • Parent Fill Color

  • Parent Track Color

  • Child Fill Color

  • Child Track Color

Example: All the parent bars “REQUIREMENTS’, “DESIGN”, “DEVELOPMENT" are set to the same color cyan green and all the child bars are set to the same color blue.

  1. Parent:

We can set the bar colours by Parent grouping.

The Field options are:

  • Parent Fill color

  • Parent Track color

Choose one field parameter at a time to set the colors for each of the parameters.

Example: The color of the “REQUIREMENTS” parent bar and all its child bars is set to Red as selected.

For “DESIGN” parent bar and all its child bar is set to Pink as selected.

For “DEVELOPMENT” parent bar and all its child bar is set to Yellow as selected.

  1. Parent-Child:

We can define the bar colours for parent and child bars for every Parent-Child grouping.

The Field Options are:

  • Child Fill Color

  • Child Track Color

  • Parent Fill Color

  • Parent Track Color

  • Planned Fill Color

Choose one field parameter at a time to set the colors for each of the parameters.

Example: The bar fill color is grouped by Parent-child with the field option as Parent Fill Color.

  • The color of the “REQUIREMENTS” parent bar (Parent Fill Color) set to Red as selected.

  • For “DESIGN” parent bar (Parent Fill Color) is set to Pink as selected.

  • For “DEVELOPMENT” parent bar (Parent Fill Color) is set to Yellow as selected.


Connector colours are also configurable:

  • Connector Line Color – Changes the color of the Connector Line.

  • Connector Arrow Color - Changes the colour of the Arrow of the Connector.

  • Connector Line Stroke – Width of the Connector Line can be changed.

  • Connector Line Type - Choose the line style from one of the below options:

    • Solid

    • Dashed

    • Dotted

    • Dashed-Dotted

Try the xViz Gantt Chart (Microsoft certified) for Power BI from Microsoft AppSource here.

Last updated