Sparkline Trends

In addition to showing the KPIs and Variance to a benchmark, we can also visualize the trend of a KPI.

Insert a Category in the ‘Sparkline’ data field which will be the X-axis:

Let’s also add a third metric for Employee Performance in the ‘Values’ data field:

By default, all the measures in the ‘Values’ field will be plotted in the Sparkline:

We can select the measures to be used in the Sparkline using the Sparkline ‘Settings’ in the top ribbon menu:

For our example, let’s plot only ‘Performance Score’ in the Sparkline as shown in the above settings. The visual now looks as shown below:

We can also change the ‘Chart Type’ to change the line chart of the sparkline to an alternate visualization:

Additional configurations for the sparkline are provided here:

For our example, we have set the Chart Type to Area Chart. And enabled Marker for all datapoints.

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