Progress Bar Display

In the xViz Gantt Chart, we have an option to customize the Progress Bar Display with any of the following options:

  • Bar

  • Bullet

Note: This option is available only when the “Progress” data field is populated.

When Progress is provided in the Progress data field then we have the option to customize the appearance of the fill of the bars that represent the progress.

Progress Bar customization:

Go to the Format Pane-> Chart Options->Progress Bar Display

  • Bar View: All the Parent and the Child nodes are in the Bar view display, where the fill occupies the full height of the bar.

  • Bullet view: All the Parent and the Child nodes are in the Bullet view display, where the progress fill does not occupy the full height but appears as a bullet chart highlighting the progress.

Try the xViz Gantt Chart (Microsoft certified) for Power BI from Microsoft AppSource here.

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